IIT People Search

Mattia Barbieri

PhD Student
Post Doc
Unit for Visually Impaired People
Research center

Mattia Barbieri is a Postdoc Researcher at the Unit for Visually Impaired People (UVIP) at the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT). He is currently working on the National RAISE Project which aims to develop and market technological solutions based on robotic systems and artificial intelligence, which respond to the real production and social needs of the Ligurian territory. 

In 2024 he obtained a Ph.D. in Bioengineering and Robotics in Cognitive, Interaction, and Rehabilitation Technologies at the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT)  and the University of Genoa.  The focus of his research was the design and development of a wearable immersive system able to simulate in augmented reality several low-vision conditions to enhance the training of visual rehabilitators.  He created a peculiar form of AR called Altered Reality (TR). He investigated the capability of the TR  to induce in healthy-sighted subjects oculomotor alterations qualitatively detected in low-vision individuals affected by maculopathy, hemianopsia and tubular vision. His research provides i) a fully wearable immersive system to train visual rehabilitators in understanding the effects of low vision conditions to discover new compensatory techniques for their patients, and ii) allows researchers to conduct studies on healthy-sighted subjects to investigate the alterations on oculomotor system generated by TR.  ​He conducted study in collaboration with scientists of worldwide fame such as Giulio Sandini, Silvio Sabatini, Alessandra Sciutti and Monica Gori. 

In 2019 he obtained a Master's Degree in  Digitial Humanities: Communication and New Media where he had the opportunity to acquire strong knowledge in human-computer interaction, cognitive ergonomics, and interaction in augmented reality (AR), and virtual reality (VR). His thesis concerns the design and development of an application that aims to organize public spaces in AR and VR. 

In 2017 he obtained a Bachelor's Degree in Modern Languages, Cultures, and Literature. Humanistic fields were the core and the soul of his instruction. He ended his bachelor's by defending his thesis: "Non-verbal communication in Twin Peaks".


Title: Bachelor Degree in Modern Languages and Literatures
Institute: Università degli Studi di Genova
Location: Genova
Country: Italy
From: 2013 To: 2017

Title: Master Degree in Digital Humanities
Institute: Università degli Studi di Genova
Location: Genova
Country: Italy
From: 2017 To: 2019


Title: Interaction Design Foundation: How to Design for Augmented and Virtual Reality
Description: null
Date: 12-01-2021


Human Computer Interaction (HCI)
- Interaction Design (IxD)
- User Centered Design (UCD)
- User Research
- User Testing

Extended Reality (XR)
- Design
- Development
- Embedded Eye Tracking

Cognitive Science

Visual Impairments (VIs)

Ocular Movements Detection

Data Analysis
- Ocular Movements Detection
- Data Visualization

All Publications
Barbieri M.
Altered Reality: The Role of Immersive Technologies in Visual Disabilities Rehabilitation Training
PhD Thesis Book
Barbieri M., Albanese G., Merello A., Crepaldi M., Setti W., Gori M., Canessa A., Sabatini S., Sandini G.
Assessing REALTER simulator: analysis of ocular movements in simulated low-vision conditions with extended reality technology
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, vol. 12
Article Journal
Barbieri M., Albanese G., Capris E., Canessa A., Sabatini S., Sandini G.
Realter: An Immersive Simulator to Support Low-Vision Rehabilitation
Extended Reality: International Conference, XR Salento 2023, Lecce, Italy, September 6–9, 2023, Proceedings, Part II, Publisher: Springer Nature
Book Chapter Book
Oral presentations
Barbieri M., Albanese G., Capris E., Canessa A., Sabatini S., Sandini G.
Realter: An Immersive Simulator to Support Low-Vision Rehabilitation
Extended Reality: International Conference, XR Salento 2023, Lecce, Italy, September 6–9, 2023, Proceedings, Part II, Publisher: Springer Nature